Microwave Cooked Broccoli & Tuna in Lighter Alfredo Sauce – Easy & All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked Broccoli in Lighter Alfredo Sauce

Here’s another recipe we worked on together through AARP-sponsored “Gotta’ Eat Well” senior citizen kitchen empowerment at Eastway Rec. Center in Charlotte last Thursday. As I told an engaged group of women, who have become a band of “let’s make something fun & flavorful” friends, making microwave cooked broccoli and tuna in a lighter Alfredo sauce is just one very easy and fantastically flavorful way to take microwave cooked broccoli from simple to exciting!

Here’s what you need for ingredients:

Microwave Cooked Broccoli in Lighter Alfredo Sauce IngredientsAs shown in the ingredients picture above, the key to making the lighter Alfredo sauce is substituting heavy cream with evaporated milk and using fat-reduced (“lite”) cheese with no loss in Alfredo sauce flavor or creamy texture. Here’s a nutrition label comparison showing that ounce for ounce, heavy cream contains more than twice the calories and five times the fat as evaporated milk (1 ounce = 2 tablespoons; you have to double the numbers you see in the heavy cream label to make an equal comparison with evaporated milk).

Heavy Cream vs. Evaporated Milk Nutrition Labels

Click any picture on this page for a complete, easy-to-follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Broccoli in Lighter Alfredo Sauce Picture Book Recipe

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