Archive for the ‘Recipe Menu’ Category

Fresh Whipped Cream Cloud of Flavor – All in Pictures

Is there anything that doesn’t go great with fresh whipped cream? I just made and keep a good-sized vat of it in the fridge good to go…

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Pickled Pork: Different But Delicious – All in Pictures

Pickled Pork

Now for something completely different – and darn good!

I got a request from a high school student in Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago for pickled meat. I’d never even heard of the stuff. So, I did some research online and put together the step-by-step picture book recipe for pickled pork you can get right here by clicking any picture on this page.  Read more »

Microwave Cooked Quinoa Alfredo – Quick, Easy & All in Pictures

Last couple of posts have shown how to cook fantastically flavorful and incredibly nutritious quinoa either on the stove or in the microwave oven. I’ve since heard from quite a few people who’ve said they’ve started to use quinoa and mostly serve it plain. Plain is fine, but here’s a quick and easy way to add a nutritional punch to an Italian favorite by making Quinoa Alfredo in the microwave oven.

You’ll see in the picture below showing what you’ll need that this recipe calls for evaporated milk instead of the traditionally used heavy cream to make Alfredo sauce. Evaporated milk has half the calories and 1/5th the fat of heavy cream though both evaporated milk and heavy cream have similar cooking and flavor properties. I love that!

Just click either picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Needed to make microwave cooked quinoa Alfredo


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